French Academics stand with CEU! Open Letter to the European Commission

**English version below**

Paris, le 17 avril 2017

à M. Jean-Claude Juncker, Président de la Commission Européenne

à M. Tibor Navracsics, commissaire à l’Éducation, à la Culture, à la Jeunesse et à la Citoyenneté

à M. Carlos Moedas, commissaire à la Recherche, l’Innovation et la Science

Le 28 mars 2017, la communauté académique française a appris avec une grand inquiétude que le gouvernement hongrois avait proposé des amendements impromptus et importants à la loi sur l’enseignement supérieur. Malgré la réaction massive de la société civile hongroise et de la communauté internationale, le 10 avril 2017, M. János Áder,  Président de la République de Hongrie, a apposé sa signature aux amendements à la loi CCIV de 2011 sur l’enseignement supérieur, qui restreint désormais la liberté académique de la Central European University et d’autres universités internationales ayant leur champ d’action en Hongrie. Ces changements peuvent forcer la Central European University à mettre un terme à ses activités à Budapest après plus de vingt-cinq années de présence.

Cette attaque est déjà inquiétante en elle-même, dans la mesure où elle constitue une tentative de mettre à bas l’un des établissements d’enseignement supérieur les plus dynamiques et les plus productifs en Europe. Elle est contraire aux principes de base de l’Espace Européen de la Recherche qui soutient la mobilité de la recherche et cherche à développer et à optimiser la coopération transnationale. Cette loi affaiblit le Partenariat pour l’excellence et la croissance  de l’Espace Européen de la Recherche, affecte fortement les activités académiques hongroises et internationales, et pourrait mettre fin à de nombreuses collaborations académiques. La collaboration académique se fonde sur des attentes de transparence, de confiance et de libre investigation, qui se voient toutes rompues lorsque les institutions politiques limitent la liberté académique.

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Harlem Désir exprime sa préoccupation face à la législation anti-CEU en Hongrie

France’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Harlem Desir, tweeted an expression of concern for CEU after the legislation was passed in Hungary.

Hungary – CEU – Statement by Mr. Harlem Desir, Secretary of State for European Affairs, France

I am concerned by the potential consequences of the modified law relating to higher education adopted in Hungary on the continuity of the activities of Centeral European University (CEU)

This institution has been functioning for more than 25 years in Budapest in cooperation with the entire research community and higher education community of Europe and currently enrolls about 1500 students and numerous professors from around the world, including French students and professors.

France hopes that the activities of CEU will not be called into question and remains attentive to developments in the situation.

This is an unofficial translation. Read the tweet in the original at

Le Laboratoire d’études de genre et de sexualité (LEGS) soutient CEU!

On behalf of the CNRS backed research unit LEGS (Laboratoire d’études de genre et de sexualité, UPL, Université Paris 8, Université Paris Nanterre, CNRS, France), we wish to express our solidarity with the faculty and administration of the Central European University , currently under attack by the government of Hungary led by Mr Orban. CEU is a first rate, world renowned university, which has been conducting very important work in the Humanities and Social Sciences for the past 25 years. Its closing would be an immense loss for the international academic community and a worrying sign of intellectual regression in Europe.
Stop attacking academic freedom!
We stand by CEU.
Anne E. Berger
Distinguished Professor of French Literature and Gender Studies
Director, UMR LEGS (Université Paris Lumières, Paris 8, Paris Nanterre, CNRS), France

Le Réseau Universitaire et Scientifique Euro-méditerranéen d’études sur les femmes et le genre – RUSEMEG soutient CEU!

On behalf of the research network Réseau Universitaire et Scientifique Euro-méditerranéen d’Études sur les femmes et le genre-RUSEMEG, we wish to express our solidarity with the faculty and administration of the Central European University , currently under attack by the government of Hungary led by Mr Orban. CEU is a first rate, world renowned university, which has been conducting very important work in the Humanities and Social Sciences for the past 25 years. Its closing would be an immense loss for the international academic community and a worrying sign of intellectual regression in Europe.
Stop attacking academic freedom!
We stand by CEU.

Prof. Marta Segarra

L’Association française d’études sur les Balkans (AFEBalk) soutient la CEU!

The Association française d’études sur les Balkans (AFEBalk) wants to express solidarity with Central European University and express concern at proposed legislative changes to CEU’s status in Hungary. These changes would endanger the academic freedom vital for CEU’s continued operation in Budapest and would strike a blow against the academic freedom that enables all universities, including those in Hungary, to flourish.

In twenty-five years, Central European University has established itself as a private international university with a global reputation for teaching and research in the social sciences and humanities. It attracts students from 117 countries and faculty from 40. The University as a whole is accredited by the US Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), and its masters and doctoral programs are registered by the New York State Education Department (NYSED). Its programs are also certified by appropriate Hungarian authorities and it has complied in full with all Hungarian laws.

In international rankings, some of CEU’s departments are rated among the top 50 in the world. CEU also makes Hungary a regional leader in winning highly competitive European Research Council grants. Several of its faculty, in fields as various as medieval studies, network and cognitive science, have won the most prestigious awards in their disciplines.

CEU is a valued member of the international academic community and its presence in Hungary has added to the reputation of Hungarian academic life on the international stage. The government’s proposed legislation to alter its statute of operation in Hungary would compromise its academic freedom and set a dangerous precedent for academic life in other countries.

We respectfully urge the government to withdraw the proposed legislation and enter consultation with CEU, bearing in mind the damage such legislation might do to Hungary’s well-founded international academic reputation, to its relationships with its European partners and with the United States.

for the Association, Fabio Giomi

Le Centre d’Études Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques (CETOBAC) soutient les collègues de la CEU

March 03, 2017

Mr. Zoltán Balog

Minister of Human Capacities

1054 Budapest, Akadémia utca 3.



Dear Minister Balog,


As concerned citizens in Hungary, Europe, and around the world, we are writing to express solidarity with Central European University and express concern at proposed legislative changes to CEU’s status in Hungary. These changes would endanger the academic freedom vital for CEU’s continued operation in Budapest and would strike a blow against the academic freedom that enables all universities, including those in Hungary, to flourish.


In twenty-five years, Central European University has established itself as a private international university with a global reputation for teaching and research in the social sciences and humanities. It attracts students from 117 countries and faculty from 40. The University as a whole is accredited by the US Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), and its masters and doctoral programs are registered by the New York State Education Department (NYSED). Its programs are also certified by appropriate Hungarian authorities and it has complied in full with all Hungarian laws.


In international rankings, some of CEU’s departments are rated among the top 50 in the world. CEU also makes Hungary a regional leader in winning highly competitive European Research Council grants. Several of its faculty, in fields as various as medieval studies, network and cognitive science, have won the most prestigious awards in their disciplines.


CEU is a valued member of the international academic community and its presence in Hungary has added to the reputation of Hungarian academic life on the international stage. The government’s proposed legislation to alter its statute of operation in Hungary would compromise its academic freedom and set a dangerous precedent for academic life in other countries.


We respectfully urge the government to withdraw the proposed legislation and enter consultation with CEU, bearing in mind the damage such legislation might do to Hungary’s well-founded international academic reputation, to its relationships with its European partners and with the United States.


Yours sincerely,


Nathalie Clayer


Director of CETOBAC (CNRS, EHESS, Collège de France)


CC:       Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary;


Office of the Prime Minister;


Central European University

Mnémosyne, association française pour le développement de l’histoire des femmes et du genre, soutient CEU!

De: Julie Verlaine <>

Objet: Support for CEU – from Mnémosyne Association (France)

Date: 3 avril 2017 09:41:35 UTC+2


Cc: Fabrice Virgili <>

April 3rd, 2017

Mr. Zoltán Balog

Minister of Human Capacities

1054 Budapest, Akadémia utca 3.

Lire la suite « Mnémosyne, association française pour le développement de l’histoire des femmes et du genre, soutient CEU! »

Le LabEx « Ecrire une Histoire nouvelle de l’Europe » (EHNE) est avec CEU!



S. E. M. György Károlyi, ambassadeur
5 bis, square de l’avenue Foch 75116 Paris | Tél : 01 45 00 94 97

E-mail : |

Institut hongrois de Paris – Collegium Hungaricum

János Havasi, directeur
92, rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris | Tél : 01 43 26 06 44 | Fax : 01 43 26 89 92

E-mail : |

April 3rd, 2017

Mr. Zoltán Balog

Minister of Human Capacities

1054 Budapest, Akadémia utca 3.


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